The Benevolence Society

A Young Adult Regency Spy Romance Series

This is the name of the school once it is moved to London. Silvano’s School for Exceptional Children was founded by Giuseppe Silvano (aka Joseph Silver) in 1806 as a place where children with supernatural/paranormal gifts could live and thrive. In April 1816 the school was moved to London and the name changed so they could continue to learn how to use their abilities incognito. 

  • Francesca (England)-Age 17, telepath
  • Jack aka Turpentine (England)-Age 16, telekinetic
  • Neera (India)-Age 15, speaks to animals
  • Christopher (Egypt)-Age 14, changes the weather
  • Samuel (England)-Age 12, chameleon
  • Lottie (Ireland)-Age 15, talks to ghosts
  • Catriona (Scotland)-Age 16, second sight
  • Luciana (Spain)-Age 8, fire starter
  • Esme (America)-Age 13, manipulates time

More to come …

Book One begins April 1816 in England. The first few books will all be taking place simultaneously in various parts of England, Scotland, and Portland Island (south England) in 1816.

Lots! I already have plans for the first 5 books.

Book one, Gabriel’s Empath, began as a what if question. What if someone with the gift as an empath lived in Regency England? What if that gift was more than just being empathic? What if they were forced to marry while dealing with this gift? What if there were others like her with different gifts? You can see how one question led to another and an entire series was born.

No, because I don’t write about magic. Each of the students’ gifts are abilities they were born with–a part of their human make up. I actually believe humans have the capacity for far greater abilities than what most of us exhibit. Most of us just haven’t learned how to tap into that part of our brains yet. Those who have learned how, are keeping it a secret!

Yes, each story is a full story about the characters in that book from start to finish, but you will have a more complete picture of what is happening if you read the books in order.

This series is a:

  • Young Adult
  • Sweet Romance
  • Regency Romance
  • Supernatural Romance
  • Spy Mystery
  • Spy Adventure
  • Alternate History

There is a little bit of everything for everyone!